Apr 2, 2009

Morning after pill reduces abortions - Aught3

For the past six months in New Zealand the emergency contraceptive drug, Levonelle 1, has been available for free in Auckland pharmacies. Levonelle 1 is also known as the morning after pill as it can prevent conception even after sexual intercourse.

Its ease of access appears to
have reduced the number abortions performed over the trial months. The number of terminated pregnancies has reduced by 13% over the October-December period compared to the same time last year. These are only preliminary correlations,
however, and a more thorough statistical analysis
is under way.

In 2006 The Epsom Day Unit performed 5524 abortions. The free contraceptive was given to 5334 people of which 19 per cent were aged under 20. The scheme also included a free packet of condoms and a pamphlet on sexual health given to each of the women.

Although abortions are available from the local Epsom Day Unit, any drug that lowers the number of operations needed has to be a move in the right direction.
Since he doesn't agree with the use of condoms I'm sure Mr Ratzinger will whole-heartedly embrace the free pill scheme. Well, perhaps not.


Photo: Chris Star, http://media.nzherald.co.nz/webcontent/image/jpg/pill3.jpg

Mar 27, 2009


Well our first video is up on YouTube and here it is.

Hopefully, it gives the viewer a clear idea of what we are about and what direction our channel will take. If you have any feedback please don't hesitate to leave a comment. Our YouTube channel: BeLikeScopes

Our next video is already well on its way. It will discuss the evolution of altruism and some of the misconceptions surrounding that topic. Look out for it coming soon! Our next few videos will focus mainly on the common misunderstandings surrounding the theory of evolution. We will also deal with the implications of evolution showing how it can be applied for useful purposes.

Finally, we would love any suggestions for videos you would like to see in the future. Remember we are mostly foccussed on evolution but any biology or general science question is most welcome. You can leave a question in the comments here or on Youtube, or email us: BeLikeScopes@gmail.com